For my new Animation Lip Sync, I had used Sony Vegas for my editing software, as this in my opinion, is the best editing software for A2 Media Studies students, as it is easy, understandable, and capable to make any movie/music video you want to make. As for my images I used Photoshop as it was the reliable and easy programme to use, to be able to put a different mouth on cat dogs. Also I made 9 different images as well as used the original image I had taken off of Google.
I did enjoy using this Animation as I found it interesting to do, as you would see some videos on the internet which were very similar to what I had made. But it was very time consuming as it took around 4-5 hours to make.
In conclusion, it was a little difficult at the beginning but as I stated to get used to it, I found it very easy. And I thought the whole experience was fun and very educational for A2 Media Studies
Well done Daniel, an excellent piece of Summer work. You are highly skilled and a talented film maker.
ReplyDeleteI am pleased to see you mastered Sony Vegas and remembered how to use it all during your time in the US with your family.
In your comments extend and develop further or shoot a little video blog explaining yourself in more detail. You talk really well an dI know you can interact with a viewer more so when your passion for your work comes through.
Talk about your idea, methods, how you got your family on board, how you directed them, did you have to reshoot scenes, if so which ones and why?
Lighting, mis en scene, sound fx as well as editing.
Talk to me in lesson and we will go through it and you can make a plan of action.
Practically it is a level 3 and in many areas a level 4.
Mrs McD-H